Is There a Plugin for Uploading Resource Packs on Minecraft

Resource Packs/Texture Packs tin change the look of everything in Minecraft, including the items, creatures (in that location'southward a steampunk Resource Pack that turns all enemies into gear powered robots!), and even the hotbar and inventory itself.

You can change Resource Packs whenever you want, and there are lots of really cool ones to explore with some truly unique looks and art styles - see the bottom of this article for some examples of different Resources Packs!

In order to use a Resource Pack on a Minecraft server, information technology must first exist hosted on a website, then that each player who joins the Minecraft server tin be prompted to download the Resources Pack. The Minecraft server itself is non capable of hosting the files, and an external location must exist used.

Coming from We unfortunately had to sunset that solution to focus on other aspects of our service, but post-obit this commodity should allow you to host your own Minecraft Resource Pack for free.

Ane of the simplest and cheapest methods of doing this is to simply upload the Resource Pack to any kind of file sharing site that provides public and direct file downloads. Many of these file sharing sites are free, and require only simple downloads or a free business relationship to get started. As long as the site volition give yous a URL that points to the file, it can be used for hosting your Minecraft Resources Pack.

Some examples of file sharing sites include:

  • Dropbox

  • Google Bulldoze

  • OneDrive

  • iCloud

Websites with paywalls or redirection pages that foreclose directly downloads (such as Mediafire) should be avoided, as they will generally not work for the purpose of hosting a Resource Pack.

Size Limit

Before getting started, it's important to note that there is a maximum file size for Resource Packs that can be downloaded automatically by Minecraft, on versions before i.xv it is l megabytes. When 1.15 launched, they changed the resource pack version to 5, which did a few things, including increasing the customer-side downloading from 50 megabytes to 100 megabytes!

Any Resource Packs larger and then fifty MB pre-1.xv will not exist automatically downloaded - the same can be said if they are larger than 100 MB on versions one.xv+. This limitation is congenital into the game, and cannot (to our noesis) exist circumvented. It is possible to manually install Resource Packs that exceed the limit, but will require each of your players to manually install the Resource Pack, which isn't ideal.

Uploading the Resource Pack

For the purpose of this guide, nosotros're going to be using Dropbox as our file sharing platform of choice. Dropbox is easy to fix up, simple, and widely used. We will also be showing examples of using Dropbox on Windows operating system, then all instructions (ie, rightclick to bring upwardly context menus) are for Windows.

Installing Dropbox

Y'all can install Dropbox past visiting their site at: https://world wide . Download the installer, then find information technology on your computer and run it. When it finishes installing, you will be greeted with a box to sign upward for an account, or sign into an account if you already have i.

Either click the bluish text "Signup" (about the top) if you are a new user, or sign in if yous have an account already. Once Dropbox is installed on your computer, and you open the programme, you will see something like this:

A view of Dropbox, with no files uploaded yet

Moving Files to Dropbox

Once you've got Dropbox prepare, navigate to where you have the Resource Pack saved on your reckoner. As an example, we will be using the "Faithful-32" Resources Pack, which is essentially the regular Minecraft textures but merely in much more detail. It's available on Curseforge here: Faithful-32.

The version of this Resource Pack for Minecraft one.xv.2 will download as a file named something like Correct-click on the file proper name, and in the pop-up card, look for the option "Motility to Dropbox".

A view of the right click window, showing the option to move files to Dropbox

Click on that, and the file will disappear from that location. If you're curious, it will accept been moved to a newly created "Dropbox" binder in your user business relationship (at least on Windows). Open upwardly the Dropbox app, and yous should see that same file proper noun now showing as a file in your dropbox window.

A view of a file successfully moved into Dropbox

Creating a Share Link

To create a share link, employ the following steps from the Dropbox UI:

  • Click on the three dots to the correct of the file name when you move your mouse over it, or simply correct click on the file name. This will open up a small menu.

  • Click on the "Share..." choice from the menu.

  • Click on the "create link" push button in the lower right. This volition create a public URL for the file.

  • One time the "Create Link" button changes to a "Copy Link" push, a URL has been successfully created for the Resource Pack. You can click on the "Copy Link" push button to reveal the URL at the bottom of the share window, or you can close the share window and return to the regular Dropbox window and practice it in that location.

    A view of Dropbox, showing the share option on the menu inside Dropbox

    A view of the share window, showing the button to create a share link

Testing the Share Link

Dorsum on the regular Dropbox window, you can copy the URL link past either cacophonous on the symbol that looks like two chain links (or simply only right click on the filename).

You tin speedily test the URL is working by opening up a browser window, and pasting the URL into the browser. If everything is fix okay, you lot should see something like the screenshot below. It will display the proper name of the file, the contents of the file, and an selection to download the file. This means the file is hosted, and it tin now accessed past other programs over the internet.

A view of Dropbox, showing the copy link option

A view of a Resource Pack URL being tested in a web browser

Configuring your Minecraft Server with Your Resource Pack

To configure your server to prompt your players to install your chosen Resource Pack when they connect, you will need to edit the file.

Optional: Make a SHA-1 Hash

This an entirely optional footstep, but information technology's a style for the game to brand sure that the Resource Pack isn't garbled during the download process.

A "hash" is a long cord of characters created from source information, according to a formula. If you run the same formula on a copy of the original file, you should get the aforementioned exact result each and every fourth dimension, over and over. Since the results of the hash are predictable and repeatable, Minecraft can use it to make sure the Resource Pack that's downloaded is intact. If information technology'south a different issue, and doesn't match, it means the file is changed somehow. That normally means something bad happened during download (incomplete download, corrupted data, etc).

You can search online for SHA-one hash generators, and there are many options to choose from. Some can employ the URL you generated in a higher place, and for others, y'all will need to upload the original file (the Resource Pack) from your home reckoner to make the hash. Wait carefully at the options for choosing the source data, and you want to look for either a field for inputting a URL (which makes it get grab the file from where you hosted information technology), or to choose a file to manually upload from your dwelling house computer.

If there'southward only a text input box, and y'all paste in the URL or file name, the SHA-1 generated will literally merely be for the text that makes up the URL or file name. It won't actually exist for the file itself. When Minecraft compares that SHA-1 hash against the file, they won't lucifer at all.

Editing the server.backdrop File

Before editing your file, you will need to prepare the URL you at present accept for direct download. The critically important step hither, is to edit the 0 at the cease of the URL and supersede information technology with a one, so that it says ?dl=1. If the zilch 0 is non changed to a one 1, it won't really download the file automatically when Minecraft accesses the URL. For example, if your Resource Pack URL is<RandomID>/ResoucePack.nada?dl=0, you would use https://world wide south/<RandomID>/ in your server.backdrop file.

If using the NodePanel, our custom solution for hosting game servers, you tin set the Resources Pack configuration options via the "Game Settings" page and "Gamemode" tab: Setting the Resource Pack configuration options for Minecraft in NodePanel

If you're hosting elsewhere, or prefer to edit the files manually, expect for the following lines in your file:

          resource-pack= resource-pack-sha1=        

Paste the Resource Pack URL from Dropbox into the resource-pack line, subsequently the equals sign. As mentioned above, ensure the URL has been tweaked to let straight download with dl=ane.


If y'all've generated a SHA-one hash, you can include that here as the resource-pack-sha1 value. For case, if your generated SHA-ane hash for the previous Resource Pack was cf23df2207d99a74fbe169e3eba035e633b65d94, you would employ the post-obit in your

          resources-pack= south/<RandomID>/ resource-pack-sha1=cf23df2207d99a74fbe169e3eba035e633b65d94        

Be sure to save the changes made to the config file, so restart your server for the changes to go into effect.

Players Joining Your Server

When players join the server, they will at present come across a message prompting them to download the Resource Pack, if they wish. If they answer yes, they will see a cherry progress bar as it downloads, and and so a branded Mojang screen will announced for few moments. After it disappears, all the textures volition be changed to the ones from the Resource Pack.

A view of the prompt to download a Resource Pack

Before and After Screenshots

Below are some screenshots of a little house we fabricated in Minecraft, with the vanilla textures and the Faithful-32 Resource Pack. There are screenshots of the outside, the within with crafting stations, and crops growing virtually the firm.

These screenshots are of the same exact Minecraft globe, with null being changed on the server at all. If a role player refuses to download the Resources Pack, or the Resource Pack is removed, they will come across the vanilla textures over again.

A view of a house made in minecraft with the regular textures

A view of a minecraft house with the faithful 32 Resource Pack textures loaded

A view of the interior of a house in minecraft, with regular textures

A view of the inside of a minecraft house, with the faithful 32 Resource Pack loaded

A view of crops growing in minecraft, with regular textures

A view of some crops in minecraft with the faithful 32 Resource Pack textures

The Faithful-32 Resources Pack textures are heavily based on the original textures from Minecraft, merely at an increased resolution and tweaks to add more item. It'southward very faithful to the original game textures, as the name suggestions, but below are some examples of other Resources Packs where you can see much more dramatic changes.

Other Resource Pack Examples

  • MYTHIC - A Pixel Art Journeying by FishyMintTextures

  • Clarity - Pixel Perfection by SCtester

  • Annahstas Beastrinia Pokemon inspired by Filmjolk


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